Nick Wright wants the NBA to change the rules because the Celtics are too good

Nick Wright wants the NBA to change the rules because the Celtics are too good

3 minutes, 3 seconds Read

Nathaniel S. Butler. Getty Images.

Over the years, as Celtics fans, we have had to listen to a lot of nonsense from the media. For years I tried to separate the Jays and pit them against each other. Everyone, for some strange reason, tries to invalidate what they did on the pitch. Disrespect at every turn.

Now, as we enter the 2024-25 season with the Celts as the defending champions and currently crushing the entire NBA, we have a new perspective.

The NBA needs to change the rules because the Celtics are too good.

Please inject this shit DIRECTLY into my veins. I love all the screaming we're getting now from the same people who have been shitting on the Celtics for years, calling them cheaters, railing against them at every turn, etc. Have a damn sense of shame, don't you? Sounds like someone is still a little upset about what happened last June

I find it very interesting that the people who seem to be saying the loudest that the Celts are “ruining the NBA” or that the rules need to be changed because of Mazzulla Ball seem to be their biggest haters. I'm so sorry Nick Wright doesn't enjoy watching the Celtics dominate. Poor baby! I don't see the problem as I'm having a lot of fun.

The beauty of shit like this is, where was this during the Warriors dynasty? They revolutionized basketball and everyone sucked their cock non-stop for almost a decade. But now that it's the Celtics who are not only playing like that but also stepping up a level, is that a problem? The sport is ruined and the rules need to be changed?

Feed me your tears, you losers

What these people are trying to do is put it this way: “Your fans think your product sucks and you need to change it.” No no. That's not it. People who hate the Celtics are angry because they are so good and think it's unfair that their own favorite team can't play like that. Sorry, create better rosters? Where was Nick Wright's 8 minute monologue about how the Warriors ruined the NBA?

Anyone who describes the Celtic 3pt band as “just throwing threesomes” is one of the two

A) Don't watch

B) They don't understand what they see

If you don't value elite ball and player movement, spacing maximization, and a roster full of elite shooters, that sounds more like a you problem than an NBA problem. It's no surprise that all the screaming you see on Twitter and hear on these shows comes from the same opposing fan bases/media roles.

Before, the Celtics were never good enough. Now they're too good, so we have to change the rules. How embarrassing for these people.

That's not to say Wright's entire rant was wrong. I agree with load management. But maybe, just maybe, instead of complaining about the rules changing, teams should just be better at maximizing their play while following the rules? Oh, not everyone can do what the Celtics do, so things have to change? What? Do people really believe this shit?

Well, yes. Unfortunately for them, this is their new reality. This man has not only broken the brains of the media, but now apparently the entire NBA as well.


I wasn't really sure what the media narrative would be this season after the Celts finally won their title, but I certainly wasn't sure

“The NBA needs to change its rules because the Celtics are too good”

on my bingo card. I admit, I kind of love it here.

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