Las Vegas Justice Court Seat: AAttorney Challenges Incumbent Former Chief Justice | Las Vegas | News

Las Vegas Justice Court Seat: AAttorney Challenges Incumbent Former Chief Justice | Las Vegas | News

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A potential newcomer is vying against a sitting and former chief justice for a seat on the Las Vegas Justice Court.

Assistant District Attorney Madilyn Cole, who is campaigning as Madilyn “Leavitt” Cole, and Justice of the Peace Cynthia Dustin-Cruz are running for a seat in the Fifth Ward.

Cole wants to bring about change in the judiciary, saying, “My work ethic, my passion, my ability to bring a fresh perspective to the bench are all things that resonate with people.”

Dustin-Cruz, who is just months away from serving 12 years on the bench, said only experience can prepare you to handle a heavy caseload and treat people with “dignity and respect,” even if you might decides against them.

In August, the court announced that one of its specialty court programs, the Resort Corridor Court, which dealt with crimes committed in the corridor, would be “phasing out.”

Despite the closure, Cole said she felt it was working well because all cases being heard in the same courtroom were kept up to date. Dustin-Cruz said judges have become aware of the need for resources to support people going through the specialty court and others.

The “downfall” occurred while Dustin-Cruz held the position of chief judge, a position she resigned on Sept. 19, although the decision was made by a vote of the justices, she said.

Cole said in a statement that the move was “another example of why so many people have encouraged me to enter this race” and that a “strong leader” is needed in Ward 5.

Dustin-Cruz said she didn't think it was fair to the court for her to remain in that role because she sits on various committees and “does phenomenal work” and her resignation would have been “worse for our community.”

Cole has handled criminal cases through her role in the Gang Division of the State Attorney's Office's Major Violent Offenses Unit, which focuses on, among other things, murder cases. She has no experience on the bench herself, but has highlighted her relationship with her mother, District Judge Michelle Leavitt, and her grandfather, former Judge Myron Leavitt, through her use of the Leavitt name throughout her campaign.

Dustin-Cruz said the move is “an attempt to eclipse someone else's reputation,” and Cole said it was important to her that voters knew she was proud to be a Leavitt .

“I’m proud of who I am and I want voters and people in the community to know who I am,” she said.

Dustin-Cruz was responding to a GOP emblem on a mailer from Cole's campaign that identifies the group as the Nevada Republican Club.

“Judges are supposed to be impartial so we can maintain the integrity of the bench,” Dustin-Cruz said.

However, Cole said the group that endorsed her was not “a political organization within the meaning of judicial canons,” which prohibit judicial candidates from soliciting, accepting or using support from political organizations. Cole did not identify the group by name but said it was not the Republican Party, adding: “That would be inappropriate.”

Contact Estelle Atkinson at [email protected].

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