I was emotional in the conference and full of appreciation for the Peruvian election

I was emotional in the conference and full of appreciation for the Peruvian election

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Finalmente, Peru consiguió su primer triunfo en reads Eliminatories. That was before Uruguay and one of the most emocionados Jorge Fossati, queen I am very emotional en conference y Valoró el trabajo de sus jugadores.

“Te digo lo que siento. It is an enormous love for many, Feliz from the Jugadores and the Peruvian LoverIn truth, it is the first step that I have to pass on. All these days, the stay at the hotel, the reception, the event. With this Apoyo and this Cariño, la verdad me parece que The players were so excited by the great friendship with the Peruvian lover that they consisted of two groups that met them the most, the players and the lovers“said DT Uruguay.

Porotro lado, habló del rendimiento de Oliver Sonne: “Lo he visto creciendo en todo sentido (a Oliver Sonne). Individually, but above all from the perspective of the community, always coming back to the idea.

With this Victoria, Jorge Fossati Suma Los Primeros Tres Puntos de Peru en reads The South American Eliminators will play at the World Cup in 2026. Alcanzo go 6 puntos and Subió a puesto.

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