Because of the Tormentas in Buenos Aires, the temperatures of the year are measured during the week: What is the Pronóstico?

Because of the Tormentas in Buenos Aires, the temperatures of the year are measured during the week: What is the Pronóstico?

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On the coast and in the north of the country you are warned of torment
On the coast and in the north of the country you are warned of torment

Después de las tormentas eléctricas As things continued on November 4th in various regions of the country, the time reached higher levels ahead of the rest of the week. For the capital and its neighbors, expect a climate and temple with maximum temperatures varying between 24°C and 27°C until the end of the week and up to 30°C by the end of the week.

The precipitation was mainly brought onto the streets Buenos Aires Provinceque enfrento un Alerta Naranja.

While the time was not permanent on the coast and in the north, please wait for the desert city warning before traveling from the Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN) A Infobae.

Las localidades como Azul, Olavarria j Tandil Sufrieron anegamienatos, mientras que others zonas como May 25th Registrar of volumes of technology and caídas de árboles.

“Due to the meteorological alert we received on the last day of the province of Buenos Aires, we produced it I have tormented and tormented many people in the real territorywhile it spent the last time. Estas tormentas affect all the centre, norte and este de la provincia”, explanation of the organism.

Y profundizaron: “La peor parte se la llevaron Azul, Olavarria, Tandil, The places in the center of Bonaerense where rainfall occurs Drive up 100 miles y provocaron anegamientos y demás problemsas de importante”.

In addition, in other regions of the province, such as: May 25thYou will find that it is very important that you do it “Voladuras de techos y caídas de árboles” in all cases.

There is no warning of electrical accidents in the province of Buenos Aires (Imagen Ilustrativa Infobae)
There is no warning of electrical accidents in the province of Buenos Aires (Imagen Ilustrativa Infobae)

A su vez, la Costa Atlantica bonaerense, junto con la Autonomous City of Buenos Aires “Recipient of the torment line simultaneously after 9 years and before time”. Have a quick moment, There is a meteorological warning today.

By Monday at the latest, the situation changed when I heard the warning and gave the SMN a comment.

Now the center and north of the province Santa Fe, the Resto del Litoral, Santiago del Estero y las provinces del Noroeste It stands to reason that Amarilla is alarmed. Esto se debe a que “The Tormenta en Forma de línea avanza hacia the Norte of País“, explain.

In addition, after the last update of the organism, which took place on April 6th. was emitted, initially raising a warning about the torment suffered this March.

If you visit the Chaparrones this month, please wait for the week to be restored and check in at the capital and office “An atmospheric fresco in the temple of the factory with lots of signs of wear and tear.”

At this moment, the minimum temperatures for the Moon and the four months are between the 13th and 15th degrees, so that the maximum temperatures are maintained between 24 and 27 degrees, until next week. The first few months leading up to the next week are put into a temperature conflict that keeps them awake during the next week.

Ultimately, I was convinced that next week would take place in good weather. “During the sleep and the Domingo, the winter temperatures fluctuated with maximum temperatures between 28 and 30 degrees in Buenos Aires”indicates that the SMN is mediocre.

As soon as a warning is issued, the SMN points out that it is meteorological, which may affect society, life, people and the medium environment. In this case, it is crucial that you prepare and take precautionary measures. To avoid accidents, the device must be permanently kept in a place protected from flooding when flooded. Additionally, it is important to monitor the light and power cables.

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