Donald Trump's Joe Rogan interview? Do not worry

Donald Trump's Joe Rogan interview? Do not worry

4 minutes, 28 seconds Read


Have you ever been to a bar or restaurant and overheard two people who clearly have no idea what they're talking about but keep talking anyway? And the dumber it gets, the louder it gets? And at some point the shrimp just aren't as tasty anymore?

That's what happened when he listened to “The Joe Rogan Experience” on Friday night, when Rogan released his much-hyped interview with Donald Trump that he recorded earlier in the day. It was bad and it wouldn't end.

What a waste of three hours.

I thought Rogan could challenge Trump, who he has previously criticized. Maybe get him to defend some of his more untenable positions, or at least try to. Every now and then he did, a little. But more often than not, Rogan simply brought up a topic, Trump started talking, and Rogan let him go unchallenged.

It's part of efforts by both Trump and Kamala Harris to use non-traditional forms of media to woo voters – and particularly to attract young male voters. For example, Trump recently held a rally at Arizona State University's Mullett Arena. It may seem like a sliver of the electorate, but in a historically close race (if the polls are to be believed), every little bit helps, in theory.

Trump wants to be a “whale psychiatrist” and also president

They discussed, among other things, how bull riders occasionally die, aspects of concrete and the effects of wind on whales.

“What’s happening to the whales?” Rogan asked as Trump disparaged windmills, an alternative form of energy.

“The wind drives whales crazy. … I want to be a whale psychiatrist.”

He also wants to be president and has achieved several of the biggest successes of his campaign. He disparaged Harris's intelligence, praised tariffs (“For me the most beautiful word…in the dictionary today is the word tariffs. It's more beautiful than love. It's more beautiful than anything else”) and, why not, he again falsely claimed that he won the 2020 election.

“I don't want to get you into any arguments, but I won this election so easily,” Trump said, referring to the election he lost to President Joe Biden.

“I want to talk to you about that,” Rogan said, which in this conversation amounted to resistance. He did ask Trump why none of his claims of voter fraud stood up in court, but Trump simply resorted to the usual complaints about a poor court system.

“This show is too valuable to talk about concrete” and yet

Perhaps the best quote from the whole thing, from Trump: “This show is too valuable to talk about concrete.”

I'm not sure if that's true.

Honestly it's hard to describe what it was really like to struggle through the whole thing, just a marathon of mediocrity. Imagine a Trump rally, only if Trump were more energetic than he has been lately and someone on stage followed him. Even though Rogan asked Trump for an explanation, however gentle, he didn't stick around for too long.

Trump once told Rogan that wildfires could be prevented if they just raked the forest floor.

“Could you really rake the entire forest?” Rogan asked. “I don’t think you could rake the whole forest.”

And that's the kind of tough question that gets you nearly 15 million listeners on Spotify alone.

Trump and Rogan seemed happy with each other

The two seemed to be enjoying each other's company, just a few brothers talking nonsense between compliments and praise for MMA fights. Just two people who came from the same reality show fabric, where they found a big audience and somehow became important.

“Did you just assume that because people loved you on 'The Apprentice,' people would love you as president?” Rogan once asked.

“Well, I thought it would be that easy,” Trump said.

“Well, that probably would have been the case if the media hadn't attacked you the way they did, if they hadn't linked you to Hitler. … They love to take things out of context and distort them,” Rogan said.

“They don’t even have to,” Trump said. “You’re completely making them up.”

“So do they,” Rogan said.

And so it went.

Another tough question from Rogan: “How are you so healthy?” Is it golf?”

“No,” Trump said, “it’s genetics, I think.” Of course he does.

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They didn't cut through the noise. They reinforced it

Someone somewhere is listening to this podcast and saying: Finally. Just a few people who really talk. Except it wasn't. They were two men who were surprisingly friendly towards each other in a marathon three-hour meeting of the Mutual Appreciation Society.

They didn't cut through the noise. They reinforced it. Rogan once said that although Harris said she wouldn't appear on his show, he hoped she would anyway. It would be interesting to compare how he speaks to her and to Trump.

At least interesting from the listener's perspective. From their perspective, why bother?

Reach Goodykoontz at [email protected]. Facebook: X: @goodyk. Subscribe the weekly film newsletter.

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