NYT Connections response for today, September 27, 2024

NYT Connections response for today, September 27, 2024

5 minutes, 42 seconds Read

If you are looking for the Connections answer for Friday September 27, 2024, read on – I will give you some hints, tips and strategies and finally the solutions for all four categories. Along the way I explain the meaning of the more difficult words and we learn how everything fits together. Warning, there are spoilers below for September 27th, NYT Connections #474! Read on if you want some hints (and then the answer) about today's Connections game.

If you want an easy way to use our Connections tips every day, Bookmark this page. You can also find our previous clues there if you want to know what you missed in a previous puzzle.

Below I give you some indirect clues to today's Connections answers. And further down the page I will reveal the themes and the answers. Scroll slowly and pick up exactly the clues you need!


Photo credit: Connections/NYT

Hints about the topics in today's connection puzzle

Here are some spoiler-free notes about the groupings in today's Connections:

  • Yellow category – for example piles of snow or sand.

  • Green Category – Characteristics of something you care deeply about.

  • Blue Category – Things that can happen to athletes, both real and digital.

  • Purple Category – Classic films of a certain genre but missing a part.

WARNING: Spoilers for today's Connections puzzle follow!

We are about to reveal some of the answers. Scroll slowly if you don't want the whole thing to be ruined. (The complete solution can be found a little further down.)

A note on the tricky parts

Film knowledge will come in handy today – but none of the films on the board are new releases. The titles you want all have a similar title structure. (There are several red herrings trying to deceive you.)

IMPORT does not refer to anything being shipped from a foreign country and is therefore not part of BANK or TRADE.

What categories are there in today's Connections?




  • Purple: Science fiction films with “THE”


Are you ready to learn the answers to today's connection puzzle? I reveal them all below.

What are the yellow words in today's Connections?

The yellow grouping is considered the simplest. The theme of today's yellow group is AREA OF HIGH GROUND and the words are: BANK, DUNE, HILL, MOUND.

What are the green words in today's Connections?

The green grouping is said to be the second easiest. The theme of today's green category is MEANING and the words are: GRAVITY, IMPORTANT, SUBSTANCE, WEIGHT.

What are the blue words in today's Connections?

The blue grouping is the second hardest. The theme of today's blue category is ACTIONS IN FANTASY SPORTS and the words are: BENCH, DRAFT, START, TRADE.

What are the purple words in today's Connections?

The purple grouping is considered the most difficult. The theme for today's purple category is SCI-FI MOVIES, WITH “THE” and the words: ABYSS, FLY, MATRIX, THING.

How I solved today's connections

Ooh, it looks like there are some sci-fi movies on the line today: THING, GRAVITY, MATRIX, DUNE – and if we're counting a very timely publication that I'm too scared to watch, SUBSTANCE. However, I'm not ready to make any of these assumptions yet.

MOUND, DUNE, BENCH and HILL could all be words that refer to a pile of snow or sand. Let's try it. 🟨

IMPORT and TRADE initially looked like commercial words to me, but I also wonder if TRADE, START, DRAFT and BENCH could be sports terms. I think that might be the case. 🟦

Oh, there Is A science fiction category after all, but they are films that lack “that” in the title: MATRIX, ABYSS, THING, FLY. 🟪

That leaves WEIGHT, IMPORTANCE, GRAVITY and SUBSTANCE, all words that relate to importance. 🟩

Puzzle #474

How to play Connections

I have a full one Instructions for playing Connectionsbut here's a refresher on the rules:

First, find the Connections game on either the New York Times website or the Games app (formerly the Crossword app). You will see a game board with 16 tiles, each with a word or phrase. Your job is to select a group of four tiles that have something in common. Often these are all the same type of things (e.g. “RAIN”, “GROUP”, “HAIL” and “SNOW” are all types of wet weather), but sometimes there is a play on words (e.g . “BUCKET”, “GUEST”, “TOP TEN” and “WISH” are all types of rainy weather). from Lists: bucket list, guest list, etc.).

Select four items and click the Send button. If you guessed correctly, the category and color will be displayed. (Yellow is the easiest, followed by green, then blue, then purple.) If your guess was wrong, you have the opportunity to try again.

You win if you correctly identified all four groups. However, if you make four mistakes before finishing, the game ends and the answers are revealed.

This is how you gain contacts

The most important thing you need to know about attracting connections is that groupings are tricky. Expect overlapping groups. For example, one puzzle appeared to include six breakfast foods: BACON, EGG, PANCAKE, OMELET, WAFFLE, and cereal. But BACON was part of a group of painters along with CLOSE, MUNCH and WHISTLER, and EGG was part of a group of things that come in by the dozen (along with JUROR, ROSE and MONTH). So don't click submit until you confirm your group of four exists only these four things.

If you get stuck, another strategy is to look at the words that seem to work NO connection to the others. If all that comes to mind when you see WHISTLER is the painting nicknamed “Whistler’s Mother,” you might be on the right track. Once I solved that, I googled whether there was a painter named Close, because Close didn't fit any of the obvious themes either.

Of course, another way to win when you're stuck is to read a few helpful tips – which is why we pass along these hints every day. Check back tomorrow to read the next puzzle!

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