EEUU is preparing for a La Niña-influenced winter

EEUU is preparing for a La Niña-influenced winter

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The La Niña had a 60% chance of recovering before the start of winter as temperatures could change across the United States. (AP)
The La Niña had a 60% chance of recovering before the start of winter as temperatures could change across the United States. (AP)

Este invierno en Estados Unidos promete ser different than before, marked by the Fenómeno de El Niño. Según un análisis de CNNSe anticipa el desarrollo de a fenómeno débil de La Nina Before the time begins, local temperatures and precipitation may change across the country.

It is a climate characterized by sea temperatures that are strongest in the air Equatorial Pacific regionThe ability to significantly influence the climate during the winter and northern half. En ese sentido, CNN suggests that “Los Efectos Sobre El Clima Son Más Pronunciados Durante Los Meses de Invierno”. Aunque su manifestación aún no es firme, el Centro de Predicciones Climáticas There is a 60% chance that I landed in November. The air conditioning with the climatóloga Emily Beckerde la University of Miami“The meaning of La Niña: When the sea is larger, the influence will be 'consistent', which can affect the climate”.

El recuerdo del invierno pasado, “the largest water recorded in 48 continental states,” is atribuye a El Niño There are global causes of combustible and fossil fuel contamination. Without embargo, this winter, el Centro de Predicciones Climáticas They are the conditions most widespread in North and South America, and it is essential to combat the persistent consequences in the United States middle east. Destacando el análisis, CNN Make sure that “a total respect for the patron of the Invierno Pasado, who prefers a most people and a most northern place” is likely.

I hope that La Niña will work particularly in the Norwegian and Norwegian states, with a warm and warm climate in the area. (AFP)
I hope that La Niña will work particularly in the Norwegian and Norwegian states, with a warm and warm climate in the area. (AFP)

La dynamica de La Nina Afecta el comportamiento de la corriente en chorro, desplazando las tormentas hacia the norte. CNN Explanation This has relevant implications since “the temperature must be sufficient so that the cold is not lost and is maintained in the end”. There is an expectation of the mayor in the northern zone, especially in the Pacific Northwest, as an important Nieve space is essential for tourism and water resources. Without a doubt, even in California, you can live a profound and second life, a typical La Niña patron. Según lo recogido por CNN“It is vital that the region enjoys an intense period of growth over the next few months.”

At the endpoints of temperatures, as a project for a colder winter on the coast and in much of the country, this means that there may be even more torment during the night in Nevada and the other zones. CNN Enfatiza That “the moronic events of La Niña could never have happened at night before,” without an embargo, a prison so moronic that these perspectives could change. Entre tanto, Parts of the Middle East Yes read Montañas Rocosas Make sure the temperature controller takes more time for the duration.

I'm waiting for the Pronóstico del Centro de Prediction ClimáticaOnce it is published, it may be partially modified because the projects are based on a tendency that is the most difficult to climaticize. The highest temperatures in winter are not ideal for love of the new at night as they reflect the uncertainty before enjoying the intensity of the temperatures La Nina.

The temperature that prevailed in the last 12 months before the start of modern times, NASA warned. It is important that this is the case global warming A large plazo that generally reads Human activities Yes read Emissions of gases from the action of Invernadero.

The Administrator of NASA, Bill Nelsonassuming that El Niño comes in April 2023 will also have an impact on the heat becoming extremely severe. Without an embargo the danger is great La Nina You can largely change the temperatures and take a breather in a medium environment without leaving the facility out of the house.

En ese sentido, La Niña enfriaría partially las global temperaturesSome factors such as volcanic eruptions and aerosol emissions influence climate predictions. The change in ocean temperatures, the product of this meteorological event, is a factor in them Increasing hurricane activity in the Atlantic.

Los científicos del Centro de Predicciones Climáticas de la Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica (NOAApor sus siglas en English) projectan a 49% of probability that La Niña se desarrolle between June and Augustyes, 69% of them It manifested itself between July and September.

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